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Editorial: Time to reboot

By Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi

The year 2020 was a hard time for every one. Markets were collapsed, world economy went into hibernation and things were stopped.

But what a way to bounce back. We have seen spurt of the real estate transactions registered all over India as if nothing happened. This is characteristics of a fundamental industry.

Government stimulations gave a boost to various industry which was necessary for the economy and specifically in Real Estate where the moratorium period on home loan and personal loan gave some what respite to the stopped economy.

One thing is certain with this that personal earnings by way of salary or business income, the uncertainty never prevailed over the real estate purchase. The capital intensive transactions are not depended on day to day earning.

The trend in Real Estate never effected by Political uncertainty, natural calamity nor by any pandemic. The fundamental need of men kind like food and clothing, housing will remain in business as far as the humanity keep on finding new and improved accommodation.

A population, which soon to become world’s largest population” which stays in rural India now migrating to urban agglomerates and mega cities. What what ever be the reason, small families with migrating trend going to witness a huge boon to the new developments and townships. World over trend in housing finance is negative but in India, Housing Finance industry is growing leaps and bound. This is a good news to real estate.

Good time ahead.

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