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Repair Permissions in Housing Societies

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By Ar Sudhakar Dhokane, Past President PEATA

Repair Permissions
(MCGM Jurisdiction)
Many a time it is seen that essential repairs to the building and or to individual premises are delayed due to conflict between Management of Society and individual member/s, on personal grounds; thus each one become non-cooperative to each other. For the health of building this tendency is harmful. Hence everybody has to work hand-in-hand for timely repairs forgetting personal differences in the common interest. It is paramount responsibility of all members to keep the building in excellent healthy conditions.
It is necessary to know the exact nature of repairs to be carried out and its required permissions from the local Civic Authority thereof. One should understand that only timely repairs can increase longevity of the structure. It is seen by and large that the repairs are ignored and or delayed for this or that reason, or some time due to abnormal delay in granting permissions by the local Municipal Authority. Such permissions are based on the nature of repairs. It is also noticed that, some time people are carrying out the work of additions or alterations under the disguise of repairs and ultimately land in to troubles.
Repairs amounting to structural changes or additions or alterations requires permissions from civic authority. However it is to be noticed that certain type of repairs do not require permissions from the Municipal Corporation. The nature of repairs and its permissions are described below. The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM)) has prepared following guide line for the information of public.
Mainly the repairs are classified in three categories:-
i)Repairs where permission is NOT required from MCGM.
ii)Repairs PROHIBITED.
iii)Repairs which REQUIRE permissions from MCGM.
1) Repairs not requiring permission from MCGM.
Following repairs do not require permission from MCGM:-
i) Providing guniting to structural members or walls.
ii) Plastering. Pointing and Painting.
iii)Changing of floor tiles.
iv) Repairing of W C, Bath, Toilets and Washing places.
v) Repairing or replacing of drainage pipes, joints, taps, manholes and other sanitary fittings.
vi) Repairing or replacing of sanitary/water, plumbing and electrical service lines.
vii) Repairing or replacing of roof with same material, without altering floor height.
2) Repairs Prohibited
Certain repairs are prohibited which are detrimental to the structural stability of the building. So, never attempt following, repairs unless same is permitted by the Municipal Authority.
i) Lowering of plinth.
ii) Removal of load bearing walls.
iii)Constructions of Lofts/Mezzanine floors supported on partition walls which are not provided as load bearing walls.
3) Repairs which require from MCGM.
Repairs involving the removal, alteration or re-erection of any part of the building covered under section 342 of MMC Act, permission from MCGB is required to be taken, such as for:-
i) Changes in horizontal and vertical existing dimensions of the structure and thereby increase in Built up area.
ii) Replacement of any structural RCC member such as columns, beam etc and load bearing walls.
iii) Construction/extension of mezzanine floor/loft.
iv) Flattening of roof in RCC or repairing and replacing of existing roof with different materials, including alteration in floor height, if any.
v) Enclosure of balcony.

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