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Maharashtra Society Forms: Society Formation Form


Minutes of the meeting of the Promoters of the Proposed …………………………………………………….…

…………….Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. held on …………………………………… at ……………………………….

(give date) (give time)

at ………………………………………………
(give place)

The following Promoters were present

Name of the Promoter Signature

  1. ………………………………………………………….. …………………………
  2. ………………………………………………………….. ………………………….
  3. ………………………………………………………….. …………………………
  4. ………………………………………………………….. ………………………….
  5. ………………………………………………………….. …………………………
  6. ………………………………………………………….. ………………………….
  7. ………………………………………………………….. …………………………
  8. ………………………………………………………….. ………………………….
  9. ………………………………………………………….. …………………………
  10. ………………………………………………………….. ………………………….

Item No. 1 : To elect the Chief Promoter of the Proposed …………………………..……………..

Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.

Resolution : Resolved that Shri…………………………………………………….……………………
be and is elected as the Chief Promoter of the Proposed …..……………………………………………………
Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.,

Proposed by Shri ………………………………..

Seconded by Shri ……………………………….

Carried unanimously / by majority.

Item No. 2 : To authorise the Chief Promoter to apply for reservations of name for the Proposed Society.

Resolution : Resolved that the Chief Promoter be and is hereby authorised to make an application
for reservation of name of the proposed Society as …………………………….. Co-operative Housing Society
Ltd., (Proposed) and furnish such other information as is required by the Registering Authority, for the purpose.


Further Resolved that the Chief Promoter should suggest the following alternate names in order of
priority, if the name as proposed above is not available.

  1. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. (Proposed)
  2. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. (Proposed)
  3. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. (Proposed)
  4. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. (Proposed)
  5. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. (Proposed)

Proposed by Shri ………………………………………..

Seconded by Shri ……………………………………….

Carried unanimously / by majority.

% Item No. 3 : To authorise the Chief Promoter to engage the services of any person to formulate
the Registration Proposal, submit it to the Registering Authority, make compliance of objections and requirements
and follow it up till registration and to fix his remuneration.

Resolved that the Chief Promoter be and is hereby authorised to engage the services of a person
to formulate the registration proposal, submit it to the Registering Authority with power to comply with objection
and requirements if any and to fix his remuneration at reasonable level but not exceeding Rs………………………………….

Further resolved that the Chief Promoter be and is hereby authorised to take further actions, sign all
such documents and furnish such information as is necessary for securing registration of the Proposal Society.

Proposed by Shri ………………………………………..

Seconded by Shri ……………………………………….

Carried unanimously / by majority.

*Item No. 4 : To authorise the Chief Promoter to negotiate with the Vendors for purchase of a piece
of land for the Society with Lessors for taking a piece of land on lease


Item No. 4: To authorise the Chief Promoter to negotiate with Vendors for entering into a package
deal for construction of the building / buildings on the land owned by Vendors.

*Resolution : Resolved that the Chief Promoter be and is hereby authorised to negotiate with the
Vendors for purchase of a piece of land / with the Lessors for taking a piece of land on lease for the society and place
the result of such negotiations before the next meeting of the promoters for taking a decision.

Proposed by Shri ………………………………………..

Seconded by Shri ……………………………………….

Carried unanimously / by majority.


*Resolution : Resolved that the Chief Promoter be and is hereby authorised to make negotiations
with Vendors for entering into a package deal or constructing of the building / buildings owned by the Vendor’s
and place the result of such negotiations before the next meeting of the promoters for taking a decision.

Proposed by Shri ………………………………………..

Seconded by Shri ……………………………………….

Carried unanimously / by majority.


*Item No. 5 : To authorise the Chief Promoter to negotiate for appointment of an Architect of
good standing, to get the plans and estimates with specifications prepared and the terms and conditions of his
appointment and to place the same before the next meeting of the Promoters for decision.

Resolution : Resolved that the Chief Promoter be and is hereby authorised to make negotiations
to appoint the Architect of good standing and for getting the plans and estimates with specifications prepared and
for fixing terms and conditions of his appointment and to place the same before the next meeting of the promoters
for decision

Proposed by Shri ………………………………………..

Seconded by Shri ……………………………………….

Carried unanimously / by majority.

*Item No. 6: To authorise the Architect of the society to invite tenders for construction of building
/ buildings in consultation with the Chief Promoter and to place the tenders received before the next meeting of
the Promoters for decision.

*Resolution : Resolved that the Architect of the society be and is hereby authorised to invite tenders
for construction of building / buildings in construction with the Chief Promoter and to place the tenders received
before the next meeting of the Promoters for its decision.

Proposed by Shri ………………………………………..

Seconded by Shri ……………………………………….

Carried unanimously / by majority.


*Item No. 6: To authorise the Chief Promoter to take further actions in the matters of purchase of
land / taking land on lease / entering into an agreement of package constructing the building / buildings, in
accordance with the decisions of the meeting of the Promoters.

*Resolution : Resolved that the Chief Promoter shall take further actions in matters of purchase of
land taking land on lease / entering into an agreement of package deal, appointment of an Architect, entering into
an agreement with the contractor for construction of building / buildings, in accordance with decisions of the
meeting of Chief Promoters, called for the purpose hereafter.

Proposed by Shri ………………………………………..

Seconded by Shri ……………………………………….

Carried unanimously / by majority.

* Item No. 7 : To authorise the Chief Promoter to collect from the Promoters amount towards
share capital, entrance fees, cost of the land, lease rent, preliminary expenses etc.

Resolution : Resolved that the Chief Promoter be and is hereby authorised to collect, from the
Promoters, amount towards share capital (Rs. 250/- each) entrance fee (Rs. 100/ – each) if there is cost of land / lease rent

Rs……………………………. each
towards cost of the flat Rs………………………………. ….. each, towards preliminary
expenses Rs ………… each and pass receipts for the same on behalf of the Proposed Society. Further
resolved that the Chief Promoter shall render proper account of all moneys collected by him.



+Item No. 8 : To consider the matter regarding Opening a Saving Bank account and deposing the
share money and entrance fees collected by the Builder-Promoter in the Mumbai District Central Co-operative
Bank Ltd. / Authorised Urban Co-op. Bank.

+Resolution : Resolved that the Chief Promoter shall see that a saving Bank Account in the name
of Proposed Society is opened in the Mumbai Dist. Central Co-op. Bank Ltd. / Authorised Urban Co-op. Bank
and that the Builder-Promoter who has already collected from the Promoters amounts towards share capital,
entrance fee, deposits the same in the Bank in the name of the Proposed Society.

Proposed by Shri ………………………………………..

Seconded by Shri ……………………………………….

Carried unanimously / by majority.

% Applicable where the Promoters desire to engage services of a person for the purpose of formulation of

the Proposal.

* Not necessary for a Flat – Owner’s Co-operative Housing Society.

+ Applicable for a Flat – Owner’s Co-operative Housing Society.

Affix court fee stamp of Re. 2/-



The Deputy Registrar / Assistant Registrar

Co-operative Societies,

Malhotra House, 6th Floor,

Opp. G.P.O., Fort,

Mumbai – 400 001.

Subject : Reservation of Name for a Proposed Co-operative Housing Society.


I wish to inform you that I Have been elected as Chief Promoter of the proposed …………………………………..
……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Co-operative Housing Society
Ltd., Mumbai. I enclosed a certified true copy of the proceedings of the meeting of the Promoters of the

Proposed-Society, held on ………………………………………………… at …………………………………………………………….
electing me Chief Promoter.

As per the authority vested in me by virtue of Resolution No………………………….. passed in the

Meeting of the Promoters referred to above, I am making this application for Reservation of name
as …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Co-operative Housing Society Ltd., (Proposed), Mumbai, I furnish below the information required for securing reservation
of name. I certify that the information given below is correct and factual.

  1. Name of the Proposed ……………………………………………………………………..
    Society to be reserved.
  2. Details of Plot, such as ……………………………………………………………………..
    Plot No. Location and

Municipal Ward on ……………………………………………………………………..

which the building is

proposed to be constructed

or already constructed.

  1. Postal Address for ……………………………………………………………………..

correspondence purpose.



  1. Enclose a copy of the

agreement for sale if the
land is already acquired

or proposed to be acquired,

else enclose a copy of the

Vendor for sale of land in

the name of the Proposed

Society or the Chief Promoter.

  1. Enclose a certified true

copy of the Assurance

Letter from Govt. if the land

is to be allotted by Govt. to

the Proposed Society.

  1. No. of flats proposed to be

constructed or already constructed.

  1. No. of Promoters who

have already joined

the proposed society

  1. Whether the applicant is ………………………………………………………………………………..

one of the promoters of

the Proposed Society.

  1. Address of the Proposed ………………………………………………………………………………..

Society where the records

will be kept till registration.

  1. Full name, occupation and ………………………………………………………………………………..

Address of the Chief-Promoter. ………………………………………………………………………………..

(1) Residential Address ………………………………………………………………………………..


(2) Business/Service Address ………………………………………………………………………………..


(3) Occupation ………………………………………………………………………………..


(4) Telephone No. of office and ………………………………………………………………………………..

Residence if any

  1. Suggest four alternative (1) ……………………………………………………………………………….

name in order of preference (2) ……………………………………………………………………………….

in the event the proposed (3) ……………………………………………………………………………….

name is not available for (4) ………………………………………………………………………………..


I would appreciate reserving any of the above name for our society accordingly.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

Chief Promoter

Encl :

(1) A Certified copy of the Proceedings.

(2) A Certified copy of the agreement

or letter of consent from Vendor for

sale of land, or assurance letter from Govt.


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