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By Staff Reporter

The Gujarat Real Estate Regulatory Authority (GujRERA) issued an Order on February 23, 2024, providing indicative guidelines for the amicable settlement of complaints through internal mechanisms.

The Order mentions that the Authority receives over 500 complaints annually from allottees under Section 31 of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. These complaints encompass a range of issues, including refunds, interests, and possession. To address these efficiently, the Order highlights the need for a facility that promotes amicable settlements to save time, reduce costs, and alleviate hardships for the involved parties.

The Order details the appointment of Mediators and outlines guidelines for the mediation process. This includes arranging joint meetings within 60 days of the initiation of the process. If the mediation leads to a settlement, the case will be forwarded to the relevant bench for orders; if not, it will proceed to adjudication.

Specific officers have been designated for mediation duties, with one officer assigned to the Ahmedabad district and two officers assigned to other districts. In cases where multiple complaints are related to a single project, all three officers will collaborate to handle the matters.

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