Capital & Revenue Receipts & Expenses in Housing Society
By. Ramesh S. Prabhu . To ascertain the true results of a Society for a particular period it is very…
Saptakala Real Estate Law Journal
Informative Articles
By. Ramesh S. Prabhu . To ascertain the true results of a Society for a particular period it is very…
By Harish G. Bhatia Advocate & Professor of Law Rights, Restrictions, responsibilities and Liabilities of Member A Professional office can…
By Legal Bureau Limit fixed for transfer fee, Donation or any other charges not allowed The law is very clear…
By Legal Bureau Recent judgment of Bombay High Court on minority’s objection in the redevelopment of society gave a short…
BY: SUDHAKAR DOKHANE Former President-PEATA 18th July 2007, was yet another ‘Black-Day’ for Mumbai. At 6.20 pm. ‘A’ wing of…
By S.R. Agarwal In the state of Maharashtra, sale and purchase of flats, on ownership basis, is regulated by the…
BY VIMAL PUNMIYA, FCA, LLB. I) POWER TO ENTER PREMISES: Places where an Income Tax Authority can enter- by virtue…
By Ramesh S.Prabhu (Chartered Accountant) Posted on 23 December 2004 The contribution to be collected from the members of the…
By P.V.Kane While registering a co-operative housing society, one has to follow certain procedures. Given under are provisions of law…
By Legal Bureau Amendments to the Maharashtra co-operative society act, 1960. Maharashtra Act No. VII of 1997. (First published after…