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Limited Time Offer: Buy The Real Estate (Regulation And Development) Act, 2016 Paperback @ Rs.99

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The Real Estate (Regulation And Development) Act, 2016 provides in-depth insights into the regulatory framework and legal compliance requirements under the RERA Act. It covers the objectives, benefits, and impact of the RERA Act on the real estate industry, as well as the role of regulatory authorities, appellate tribunals, and adjudicating officers in enforcing the Act. The book also includes the latest updates on rules, regulations, and circulars related to the RERA Act, as well as information on important judgments of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and High Courts related to the Act. Written by a renowned lawyer and expert in real estate law, this book offers valuable guidance to real estate professionals, including developers, builders, brokers, and real estate agents, as well as buyers and investors, helping them navigate the complex legal landscape of the real estate industry in India

Author Dr.Sanjay Chaturvedi LLB, Ph.D
ISBN No 9789394145009
Edition No First
Language English
No.of Pages 432

About Real Estate (Regulation And Development) Act

  • Comprehensive guide to regulatory framework and legal compliance requirements under the RERA Act
  • Provides practical insights into registration process, compliance requirements, and enforcement mechanisms
  • Written by Dr.Sanjay Chaturvedi LLB, Ph.D, a renowned lawyer and expert in real estate law
  • Covers objectives, benefits, and impact of RERA Act on the real estate industry
  • Explains the role of regulatory authorities, appellate tribunals, and adjudicating officers in enforcing RERA Act
  • Includes latest updates on rules, regulations, and circulars related to RERA Act
  • Provides information on important judgments of Hon’ble Supreme Court and High Courts related to RERA Act
  • Offers useful tips for real estate professionals, including developers, builders, brokers, and real estate agents, as well as buyers and investors
  • Helps readers navigate the complex legal landscape of real estate industry in India

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