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In a move to address the growing concerns surrounding real estate disputes, a group of lawyers meet with the Haryana Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) chief to propose the establishment of an alternative dispute resolution panel. The meeting, held in Gurugram, aimed to streamline the process of resolving disputes between homebuyers and developers, ensuring a more efficient and effective resolution mechanism.

The lawyers meet highlighted the need for a dedicated panel that could expedite the resolution of disputes, reducing the burden on the existing RERA framework. The proposed panel would comprise legal professionals with extensive experience in real estate matters, empowered to mediate and arbitrate disputes in a timely and cost-effective manner.

One of the key advantages of an alternative dispute resolution panel is its ability to provide a more flexible and collaborative approach to conflict resolution. By fostering open communication and encouraging negotiation, the panel could facilitate mutually agreeable solutions that address the concerns of both parties involved.

“The existing RERA framework has played a crucial role in safeguarding the interests of homebuyers, but the volume of cases has been overwhelming,” said a senior lawyer present at the meeting. “The establishment of an alternative dispute resolution panel would not only alleviate the burden on RERA but also ensure that disputes are resolved promptly, without the need for prolonged legal battles.”

The lawyers emphasized the importance of having a diverse panel consisting of legal experts, real estate professionals, and consumer advocates. This multidisciplinary approach would ensure that disputes are examined from various perspectives, leading to fair and balanced resolutions.

Furthermore, the proposed panel could potentially reduce the financial burden on homebuyers and developers by offering more cost-effective resolution methods compared to traditional legal proceedings. This could be particularly beneficial for those with limited resources, ensuring that access to justice remains accessible to all.

The RERA chief acknowledged the concerns raised by the lawyers and expressed openness to exploring the feasibility of establishing an alternative dispute resolution panel. However, it was stressed that any such initiative would need to align with the existing legal framework and undergo thorough consideration to ensure its effectiveness and fairness.

As the real estate sector continues to evolve, innovative solutions like the proposed alternative dispute resolution panel could play a vital role in fostering trust and confidence among stakeholders. By providing a transparent and efficient platform for resolving disputes, the panel could contribute to the overall growth and stability of the real estate market in Haryana.

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