Er. Samir Surlaker, Mr. Sujay Surlaker, Er. Sunny Surlaker]
Institute for International Talent Development, Private Limited [IITD], launched its inaugural Training and Certification Course in Waterproofing, Structural Repair and Maintenance of Structures. The program was held from 22 nd to 24 th August 2022, at IITD’s Training Facility at Kundaim, Goa. The course trained and certified supervisors and budding entrepreneurs in practical understanding of construction chemicals. The program helped participants advance their professional practice or launch startups in the field of Waterproofing and Maintenance of Civil Engineering Assets.
The first of its kind in Goa, the program covered modern construction chemicals and techniques for waterproofing, concrete repairs, concrete protection, injection grouting and concrete technology. The highly interactive program, which covered theory as well as practical demonstrations, was a resounding success with over 30 skilled supervisors and budding entrepreneurs from across India attending. IITD, led by its Director, Er. Sunny Surlaker conceptualized and conducted the program for Assess Build Chem Private Limited.
The course offered a nationally recognized Certification of Competency, conferred by the
Construction Industry Development Council [CIDC]. CIDC, an apex body in the construction industry, was setup with the Planning Commission / Niti Aayog and works to develop the Indian Construction Industry and raise its quality levels. One of CIDC’s main initiatives, is Training Manpower across various levels in the construction industry. This certification training course was a huge step in this direction.
The program was inaugurated by Dr. P. R. Swarup, Director General, CIDC and Mr. Robert D’Souza, of Int-Electra, a leading technical expert in the field of Injection Grouting and Er. Samir Surlaker, Director, IITD. The program commenced with a prayer and lighting of the lamp, following which, the dignitaries shared their vast experience and reiterated the importance of training and skill development, in waterproofing and maintenance of structures. They motivated the attendees to ask as many questions as possible, seek knowledge, be certified for it and be a part of a new and Skilled India.
The various segments in the training program were covered by field experts in concrete, waterproofing and repairs and maintenance of structures. Er. Sunny Surlaker covered concrete technology, waterproofing, repairs, and detailing. Er. Samir Surlaker, spoke about the industry. Mr. Robert D’Souza discussed practical / challenging case studies in Injection Grouting. Mr. Prasad Bhobe and Mr. Shounak Vaigankar conducted the practical demonstrations for using admixtures, repair systems, waterproofing and injection grouting. Mr. Sujay Surlaker, covered costing and estimation of various product systems.
The highlight of the program was a joint CIDC-IITD certification provided to the participants. This nationally recognized certificate of competency was awarded based on the level of participation in the course, demonstrations, and a written test. This Certification places the attendees in CIDC’s national database, recognizes their qualifications, improves their skills, and most importantly, their employability. CIDC and IITD both aim to expand the footprints of this program across India.